Month: October 2015

Different Types of Effective Baldness Treatment Methods

Baldness is one of the most common problems for both men and women. The medical treatments available for it are costly and may even cause side-effects at times. No one will ever wish to risk his or her health to have a healthy hair on the head. Alternatively, there are many natural baldness treatments available that can effectively treat this problem. You can use these treatments now and get going with the procedure of re-growing your hair.

Baldness Treatment in Bangalore 1 - DHI IndiaThere are numerous drugs and treatment methods available both for male and female pattern baldness. Listed below are some of the best baldness treatments that are currently in use.

Using Drugs

Baldness Treatment in Bangalore - DHI IndiaCombination of minoxidil topical cream, Finasteride pills, scalp massaging and exercise can be used for baldness treatment. Finasteride is the most effective drug against baldness as it acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which helps in the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the compound due to which baldness is caused. DHT binds to the hair follicles and the blood vessels that surrounds them, resulting in the shrink in size of the hair follicles, eventually resulting in short growth phase of the hair cycle. Due to this the hair shed quickly before they even grow properly.

Finasteride, on the other hand reverses this situation removing the DHT. For the increased growth, these hair follicles are supplied with the blood that is rich in oxygen and nutrients.

Minoxidil – It is another popular drug that is used for baldness treatment. This drug plays an important role in treating hair loss problems in women.

Hormonal Replacement Pills – These pills effectively counter hair loss problems after menopause.

Apart from these there are some other non-surgical hair baldness treatment methods that include extending or weaving. Some cosmetic options are also there that can be used for making your hair look fuller.

Surgical Method

Surgical Method - DHI IndiaSurgical methods for hair loss baldness treatment is one of the best and commonly used methods nowadays. Direct Hair transplantation is a fruitful and effective method. The mini graft techniques and follicular unit of hair transplantation method delivers best results.

Hair Transplantation Method

In this method the hair grafts that have good hair growth are removed from other body parts and are placed on the scalp with no or less hair growth. It is done with the help of DHI implanter. Operating this procedure requires high expertise and skills. This method includes multiple sessions, because of which it also is expensive though highly effective. The results obtained are good and stay on for longer duration of time.

But before availing any of these treatment methods for baldness or hair loss in Bangalore  you must remember a few things like you must go for the treatment only after you have gone through proper diagnosis. Opt for the surgical procedure only if you have explored all the other options as it is not necessary to waste money if you can get the best results at effective price using alternate methods. Never go for the treatment unless yours is a severe hair loss problem.

Direct Hair Implantation Technique – Effective Baldness Cure

Are you going completely bald? It is better to be honest, even though you won’t admit it straight-out, the extra hair on the pillow when you get up in the morning and the black mass of hair in your bath drainage. All this indicates that you may be suffering from baldness. It is a matter of concern for both men and women, but for men it’s a larger matter of concern as they are affected the most by it. If this problem is diagnosed early then it can be treated, but most often miss the signs and symptoms until they see a receding hair line or a bald spot. If yours are in any of these stages, the best way to get the cure for baldness is hair implant surgery.

Baldness cure-Shewag - DHI IndiaCommonly Used Drugs

Although there are many drugs that can be used to cure baldness, the most commonly used drugs are Minoxidil and Finasteride. The first one is applied topically on the scalp that too twice a day. This drug is used in hair loss treatment and is found to be effective for about 50% of men who use it. Finasteride is an oral medication that works about 75% of the time but it has few serious side-effects as well. In women it can cause birth defects, thus it is not recommended for women. Both of these drugs are approved by FDA and are used for baldness cure.

Direct Hair Transplantation:

This is a concept that involves hair grafts, which are taken from some other part of the body and implanted to the affected area of your scalp. This baldness cure procedure has several advantages over traditional hair strip type of hair transplantation. Here are some of those:

Baldness cure - DHI India

As required, the surgeon will take several small hair grafts from your body. With this you will not have any incisions or surgeries that you may have with donor strip of hair. This procedure is painless and you will also not be susceptible to infection. As there is no donor site, you will not have any scarring and will also recover within 2-4 days, instead of taking a week or so.

The procedure eliminates scarring as the graft site contains tiny punches in the areas and placed are placed directly on the transplant site. It is very hard to notice these tiny punctures with hardly any pitting or scarring. This procedure ends up with better results and hairline as each follicle unit is transplanted one by one.

It provides natural look without any incisions. The major reason of this natural look is that the surgeon places each hair strategically between the hair as you have, which blends perfectly and grows properly. No body is able to determine that it is body hair of different texture.

This procedure is quick even though the hair are placed individually. With this Direct Hair Implantation Technique, a surgeon can easily implant up to 3,000 grafts per day. And if more than one day is needed for the transplant, he can schedule it close together so that the donor site heals first. Overall, DHI technique has several advantages over the strip graft method. Along with a huge decision, it also has huge investment of time and money included. But the results significantly have an impact on your self-esteem, confidence level, and physical appearance.