Month: April 2016

Get Effective Hair Loss Treatment Done Within your Budget in Bangalore

The most effective treatment to cure hair loss problems permanently is Hair transplantation. Up till now this treatment method has proven to be an effective one than any other treatment method. Because of its efficacy in treating baldness condition, this treatment method is the most preferred one all over India. Trichologists in Bangalore often use innovative hair transplantation methods to cure those who are affected from such condition. The transplanted hair grows permanently, giving a complete natural aesthetic and youthful look. With this treatment there are always a few common questions that can arise in mind, such as:

What Hair Transplant Does?

Hair transplant is a procedure that involves the implantation of hair follicles with its surrounding tissues. These hair follicles are extracted from the donor site and are transplanted to the bald region of the affected individual.

FUT or Strip method and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUE) are the two most commonly used hair transplantation techniques used for harvesting of hair follicles. Genetically resistant hair follicles are primarily transplanted to the bald region of the scalp and cause new growth of hair that last for longer time period. This method can be used for both men and women. Along with hair re-growth, beard, eyebrow, and moustache can also be restored using FUE hair transplant technique.

Hair Transplantation – Is it Painless and Safe?

This treatment method is most effective procedure because it causes no pain and no potential side-effects. It is said that while undergoing the procedure you can read, watch TV or chat with your friends on cell phone.

The hair transplant method is completely safe as it involves no surgical procedures and harmful chemicals, which eliminates the cause of side-effect and infection. The results obtained are permanent as the transplanted hair continues to grow for rest of the life just like normal hair. They require no maintenance and like normal hair they can be washed, oiled, combed, styled and cut.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplantation?

Cost is always a concern while availing any kind of treatment. It is believed that going for the surgical treatment is a little bit expensive than any other form of treatment. Therefore before availing the same, it is very much important to know how much the treatment costs. Same is the case for hair transplantation, for which it is necessary to know the cost of the treatment, as it varies from place to place depending upon the expert or Trichologist you are consulting. The cost of hair transplant is different in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata.

DHI India Post 1It is totally dependent upon you regarding how dense hair you want on your scalp. Some people choose to have more than one hair transplant procedure so as to achieve their personal goals. The cost depends on the number of hair roots or grafts or Follicular Unit to be transplanted. The more hair you get transplanted, the lower will be the final cost per graft. For example, 1,200 grafts will not cost twice as much as 600 grafts. But to get the accurate cost of hair transplant procedure, you need to have scalp and hair analysis done first. This will help in determining the size of the procedure needed to achieve hair restoration goals.

The Strip method (FUT) costs Rs.35 per graft and for FUE, stitch less method, it costs about Rs.75 per graft. One Follicular Unit or Grafts can grow from 1 to 4 hairs. The above surgical cost, there are other cost also that includes surgeon’s fee, operation theatre charges, assistant’s fee, operation theatre anesthetic medicine and disposables. Apart from it blood tests and other post operative care kit costs Rs 2500 extra.