Category: Beard Restoration

Top Best Beards of 2015

The days when men were expected to stay clear of facial hair are long gone. With the realization of the numerous ways that beards are actually beneficial, besides the most common advantage of lending men a rugged and manly look, beards have made a comeback of late, sparking an unprecedented trend amongst the sterner sex.

Lack of facial hair has been a problem amongst men for a long time now, and has made them stick to the clean shaved look rather than sporting the broken mane. Genetic predispositions and low levels of testosterone have caused about 1 in every 5 men to have very less to no facial hair. Though till now there have not been a lot of remedies for such ailments, DHI now has made it possible for everyone to be able to procure beard transplants, making it possible to wave away the facial hair problems and sport a chin full of beard.

With DHI, it is possible for everyone to choose from the trendiest of beard styles and make it their own. DHI’s top beards styles of the year can be yours with the very convenient beard transplant processes.

The Designer Stubble

The Designer stubble


Much better known as the ‘five o’clock shadow, this style of beard is a short growth, aimed to effect a rugged and deliberately unkempt appearance. This style was a major head turner in the 1980s and made a comeback thanks to the likes of David Beckham, Jason Statham and George Clooney. A style requiring very less effort, many companies sell trimmers specially designed to maintain designer stubbles.

The Professional Beard

The professional beard

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Whoever said that you should shave before an interview never saw a good professional beard. This style of beard requires a bit more effort and attention as you grow it; the hair has to be kept shorter, and the lines shaped tighter. This is a style of beard that gives your face more definition and character. The thing to remember is to keep the neck well shaved and to create a defined line under the chin that stops midway up the cheek, connecting evenly with your moustache line.

The Full Beard

The Full Beard

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A well groomed full beard screams manliness, virility, self-confidence and boldness. A full beard has the advantages of looking classy when it’s well groomed and rugged when it’s not. It requires very little maintenance and is unanimously agreed to be one of the most popular beard styles.

The Captain Jack Beard

The Captain Jack Beard


The Captain Jack beard is a mix of a moustache, a soul patch and goatee-like whiskers. One of the popular crowd pleaser styles, a Captain Jack beard requires regular upkeep and grooming as it can get real messy real quick. Wax can help you keep the shape and beard oil can help you keep your beard healthy. Just remember to keep it clean.

The Hipster Beard

The Hipster Beard


The hipster beard has a rather rough appearance, but requires a lot of maintenance. Some people sporting a hipster beard prefer to avoid growing a neck beard and keep the upper part of their neck shaved. While some people trim the moustache around the mouth, some cultivate the traditional handlebar moustaches, a style which also require extensive grooming and styling.

The Van Dyke

The Van Dyke


A pointy beard and a pointy moustache (usually waxed), without hair on the side of the face, form the Van Dyke. When done the right way, the Van Dyke is downright artsy, requiring regular upkeep to maintain the unique look.

Whether you want to keep a professional beard, or designer stubble, or even a full beard, with DHI, a face full of lustrous hair is just a treatment away.