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Get Effective Hair Loss Treatment Done Within your Budget in Bangalore

The most effective treatment to cure hair loss problems permanently is Hair transplantation. Up till now this treatment method has proven to be an effective one than any other treatment method. Because of its efficacy in treating baldness condition, this treatment method is the most preferred one all over India. Trichologists in Bangalore often use innovative hair transplantation methods to cure those who are affected from such condition. The transplanted hair grows permanently, giving a complete natural aesthetic and youthful look. With this treatment there are always a few common questions that can arise in mind, such as:

What Hair Transplant Does?

Hair transplant is a procedure that involves the implantation of hair follicles with its surrounding tissues. These hair follicles are extracted from the donor site and are transplanted to the bald region of the affected individual.

FUT or Strip method and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUE) are the two most commonly used hair transplantation techniques used for harvesting of hair follicles. Genetically resistant hair follicles are primarily transplanted to the bald region of the scalp and cause new growth of hair that last for longer time period. This method can be used for both men and women. Along with hair re-growth, beard, eyebrow, and moustache can also be restored using FUE hair transplant technique.

Hair Transplantation – Is it Painless and Safe?

This treatment method is most effective procedure because it causes no pain and no potential side-effects. It is said that while undergoing the procedure you can read, watch TV or chat with your friends on cell phone.

The hair transplant method is completely safe as it involves no surgical procedures and harmful chemicals, which eliminates the cause of side-effect and infection. The results obtained are permanent as the transplanted hair continues to grow for rest of the life just like normal hair. They require no maintenance and like normal hair they can be washed, oiled, combed, styled and cut.

What is the Cost of Hair Transplantation?

Cost is always a concern while availing any kind of treatment. It is believed that going for the surgical treatment is a little bit expensive than any other form of treatment. Therefore before availing the same, it is very much important to know how much the treatment costs. Same is the case for hair transplantation, for which it is necessary to know the cost of the treatment, as it varies from place to place depending upon the expert or Trichologist you are consulting. The cost of hair transplant is different in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, and Kolkata.

DHI India Post 1It is totally dependent upon you regarding how dense hair you want on your scalp. Some people choose to have more than one hair transplant procedure so as to achieve their personal goals. The cost depends on the number of hair roots or grafts or Follicular Unit to be transplanted. The more hair you get transplanted, the lower will be the final cost per graft. For example, 1,200 grafts will not cost twice as much as 600 grafts. But to get the accurate cost of hair transplant procedure, you need to have scalp and hair analysis done first. This will help in determining the size of the procedure needed to achieve hair restoration goals.

The Strip method (FUT) costs Rs.35 per graft and for FUE, stitch less method, it costs about Rs.75 per graft. One Follicular Unit or Grafts can grow from 1 to 4 hairs. The above surgical cost, there are other cost also that includes surgeon’s fee, operation theatre charges, assistant’s fee, operation theatre anesthetic medicine and disposables. Apart from it blood tests and other post operative care kit costs Rs 2500 extra.

5 Common Reasons Why Baldness Occurs in Both Men and Women

Hair baldness is a common problem faced by both men and women. It starts to grow when the hair becomes this and loses its strength, then a bald patch might develop in the middle of the scalp and so on. There are various baldness treatment centres in Delhi. These centres evaluate the root cause of why you are facing such problem and provide the most suitable baldness treatment in Delhi that is tailor-made to your needs. Whether it is a quick brush, blowing drying, a morning shower or any other reason behind your hair fall and baldness, losing hair can be quite stressful.

Baldness Treatment in Delhi - DHI IndiaHere are 5 common reasons as to why baldness occurs.

1. Telogen Effluvium : Telogen effluvium is a phenomenon that takes place after major surgery, drastic weight loss, and excessive stress. This is one of the most common reasons for hair loss. Apart from this, telogen effluvium can be caused by a medication side effect as well such as anti-depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs. Hair shifts faster from thinning to shedding phase in Telogin effluvium.

Hereditary2. Hereditary : Whether you like it or not, hair loss can be genetic – this phenomenon is known as Androgenetic Alopecia. According to American Academy of Dermatology, this is the most common cause of hair loss. To determine this cause of hair loss doctors draw a blood sample to understand your parental DNA and usually prescribe oral medication.

3. Thyroid Hormone : Millions of people suffer from thyroid. Hypothyroidism is the root cause of an underactive metabolism. When your body produces less amount of thyroid hormone it affects your metabolism, heartbeat and mood. Your thyroid is responsible for the growth of your skin, hair and nails and due to it becoming out of balance can cause extensive hair loss.

4. Lupus : It is a condition in which your own body attacks your immune system and healthy tissues. Lupus often causes fatigue, headaches, oral ulcers, painful joints, hair loss and your entire body becomes sensitive to the sun. If you are facing hair loss along with joint pain and fatigue, it is recommended that you see a rheumatologist for further diagnoses.

Alopecia Areata - DHI India5. Alopecia Areata : Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks your hair follicles. This condition affects about 4.7 million people alone in the USA and is a problem in both men and women equally. Alopecia Areata is treated after a proper evaluation and requires a proper baldness treatment in extreme cases. For instance, there are various baldness treatment centres in Delhi that offer proper treatment procedure to cure it of its roots.

All That You Need to Know About Hair Loss Treatment in Chennai

People in Chennai and almost all over India are facing the problem of hair loss. It has become one of the major concerns nowadays, therefore, to get rid of these problems people are looking for an effective hair loss treatment. One of the major causes of hair loss nowadays is increased stress and pollution. Whether it is male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, getting the right treatment is very important. Both these patterns have different drugs and treatment methods. Mentioned below are two popular hair loss treatments in Chennai.

Hair Loss Treatment In Chennai - DHI IndiaDrugs Used In Hair Loss Treatment:

1. Minoxidil or Rogaine is the best drug for the crown portion of the scalp. You can use this medication on the temple or frontal hairline areas in the form of an ointment, gel or cream.  If you are looking for the remarkable results, you can obtain such results by using a drug compound of 2-5% minoxidil and .0255 tretinion that is also known as Retinoic acid or Retin-A. If your wish to treat hair loss problems or bald spots in the vertex, you can reserve 2% or 5% Rogaine for it.

2. Oral Diane 35 -cyproterone acetate with ethinyloestradiol can be used to treat female pattern baldness. It is a combined oral contraceptive that blocks the peripheral action of male hormones commonly present in women and is also useful for the treatment of severe acne.

3. Oral Propecia or Finasteride can be taken once a day for hair loss problems. This drug is approved by FDA and can be used only by men. It helps in reducing receding hairline by inhibiting the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT that is one of the major causes of hair loss in men.
Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Methods

1. Hair Restoration Surgery : For the rejuvenation of hair of upper third of the face, hair restoration method has emerged as one of the most popular hair loss treatment in Chennai. With the use of this modern technique, the results obtained are generally the same from the native appearance of the scalp hair.

2. Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are other advanced hair restoration surgical technique. This surgical procedure eliminates the donor strip excision method and extends the process to the beard, eyebrow, and chest, and other areas of the body. It includes the use of nonsurgical adjuvant therapies like laser light therapy and DHT-blocker Finasteride.

Hair Loss Treatment In Chennai - DHI India 23. Follicular Unit Grafting : This procedure aims to create a natural appearance that mimics the natural hair growth both in terms of patterns and numbers. In this method, each graft contains a follicular unit that is bundling of one to three and sometimes four hair which is surrounded by an adventitial sheath. It is these grafts that are transplanted into the scalp into incisions of 0.5 to 0.8 mm in size.

4. Follicular Unit Extraction : It is an alternative to Strip Grafting Technique. It involves the individual extraction of donor grafts using 0.8mm punches, one at a time. This method is time-consuming and requires one full day to complete the procedure by an experienced FUE team right from the extracting, trimming, and then implanting 1,400 to 1,800 grafts and almost two days for 2,000 to 2,400 grafts.

Different Types of Effective Baldness Treatment Methods

Baldness is one of the most common problems for both men and women. The medical treatments available for it are costly and may even cause side-effects at times. No one will ever wish to risk his or her health to have a healthy hair on the head. Alternatively, there are many natural baldness treatments available that can effectively treat this problem. You can use these treatments now and get going with the procedure of re-growing your hair.

Baldness Treatment in Bangalore 1 - DHI IndiaThere are numerous drugs and treatment methods available both for male and female pattern baldness. Listed below are some of the best baldness treatments that are currently in use.

Using Drugs

Baldness Treatment in Bangalore - DHI IndiaCombination of minoxidil topical cream, Finasteride pills, scalp massaging and exercise can be used for baldness treatment. Finasteride is the most effective drug against baldness as it acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which helps in the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the compound due to which baldness is caused. DHT binds to the hair follicles and the blood vessels that surrounds them, resulting in the shrink in size of the hair follicles, eventually resulting in short growth phase of the hair cycle. Due to this the hair shed quickly before they even grow properly.

Finasteride, on the other hand reverses this situation removing the DHT. For the increased growth, these hair follicles are supplied with the blood that is rich in oxygen and nutrients.

Minoxidil – It is another popular drug that is used for baldness treatment. This drug plays an important role in treating hair loss problems in women.

Hormonal Replacement Pills – These pills effectively counter hair loss problems after menopause.

Apart from these there are some other non-surgical hair baldness treatment methods that include extending or weaving. Some cosmetic options are also there that can be used for making your hair look fuller.

Surgical Method

Surgical Method - DHI IndiaSurgical methods for hair loss baldness treatment is one of the best and commonly used methods nowadays. Direct Hair transplantation is a fruitful and effective method. The mini graft techniques and follicular unit of hair transplantation method delivers best results.

Hair Transplantation Method

In this method the hair grafts that have good hair growth are removed from other body parts and are placed on the scalp with no or less hair growth. It is done with the help of DHI implanter. Operating this procedure requires high expertise and skills. This method includes multiple sessions, because of which it also is expensive though highly effective. The results obtained are good and stay on for longer duration of time.

But before availing any of these treatment methods for baldness or hair loss in Bangalore  you must remember a few things like you must go for the treatment only after you have gone through proper diagnosis. Opt for the surgical procedure only if you have explored all the other options as it is not necessary to waste money if you can get the best results at effective price using alternate methods. Never go for the treatment unless yours is a severe hair loss problem.